Monday, May 10, 2010

Are people from Tuvalu called Tuvaluvians and are people from Lima called Limes?

day 2 May 10th,

everything is much better after a good night's sleep. Turns out the hotel is actually adorable, we found a fan and Jordan stayed well on is side of the bed! We went to the Lacomar shopping center in Mira Flores which is the coolest shopping center in the entire world. It's built into a cliff overlooking the ocean. We had lunch while people para glided overhead and others surfed below.

I don't know WHAT people complain about, Lima is a fantastic city and I could live here. It's colorful and eclectic, everything is tiered, there are plants everywhere and the houses and buildings look like random blocks stacked on top of each other with balconies overflowing with greenery. I already picked out three potential houses. My camera is my new best friend, I realize that my hatred of taking pictures stems from an inadequate picture-taking device. with my new snazzy contraption I've been stopping every three seconds (to Jordan's dismay) to take pictures. We're going for dinner and drinks now to Tai bar, apparently a hot spot amongst Limeans (Limayans, Limes). Tomorrow we go para gliding and bus touring then an 11-hour bus ride to Huaraz!! Oh and Jordan's bag arrived, thank God.

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